Professional Provider of Medical Equipment

Announcement: Due to staff shortage, we will temporarily NOT accept Equipment Repairs from February 2023 onwards or until further notice.
We apologize for the inconvenience.





The Outpatient® II is the documented industry leader for diagnostic and procedure lights. More physicians choose the Outpatient® II than any other diagnostic light for focusable flood-type light, maximum intensity and shadow-free operation. With minimal heat output and high color temperature, the Outpatient® II is the perfect low-maintenance, top performing light for nearly every application in the hospital, surgical suite or physician’s office.
  • 8000 footcandles (86,000 Lux) at 24 inches (61 cm)
  • 3300 K color temperature
  • Focuses with central removable, autoclavable SteriHandle™
  • Friction knob allows user to position self-balancing arm without a tool for drift-free positioning
  • Cool operation assured with heat filters and dichroic coatings
  • Shadow-free operation provided by 3 “optically improved” 50-watt halogen bulbs, each with 5600 hr. average bulb life
  • Bulbs are wired in parallel to assure continuous operation
  • Design allows removal or replacement of SteriHandle™ with one hand (for assuring sterile procedures)
  • Floorstand units include footswitch, locking casters and cord wrap
  • Mounting systems meet California Seismic Codes
  • 115V model standard; 230V models also available
  • 5-year warranty
  •  UL 60601-1/60601-2-41 certified
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